Learning Style Statistics

Over 1,339,000 people from around the world take our free online J-KAV™ learning style quiz. This means we have been able to get some really interesting data about what kinds of learning styles and personality types are the most common. Here are some graphs and charts to give you some of the results.

If you're curious as to where you fall in all of this, just click below and take our free learning style quiz.

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What is the most common learning styles?

Based on those who have completed the quiz here is the break down of the number of people who scored as Kinesthetic, Auditory and Visual.

What is the breakdown by personality types?

There are 16 Jungian personality types. Every person who takes the learning style quiz gets both this and a learning style result. Here is the breakdown of people by their results.

How do visual learners break down with personality types?

Here there is a breakdown of the learning styles by both visual learning style and personality types.

How do kinesthetic learners break down with personality types?

Here there is a breakdown of the learning styles by both kinesthetic learning style and personality types.

How do auditory learners break down with personality types?

Here there is a breakdown of the learning styles by both auditory learning style and personality types.

What kind of learning style do you have?

You can find out in just a few minutes. Take our fun and easy learning style quiz and find out in a few minutes. Absolutely free.

Take Your Free Learning Style Quiz